Breast Lump Swelling
And Pain Treatment

Lump in the Breast

The majority of breast lumps are benign, meaning they are not cancerous. A breast lump may startle you, but it’s vital to know that it won’t damage your long-term health.

A breast lump, on the other hand, can be an indication of cancer. Any lumps or swelling you find in your breasts should always be evaluated by a doctor.

Breast tissue is influenced by your hormones. Hormonal fluctuations can cause lumps to form and then vanish naturally in some circumstances. Breast lumps can appear at any age.

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What to Expect During Your Doctor's Appointment

When you go to the doctor to report a breast lump, they’ll generally ask you when you found it and if you’re experiencing any other symptoms. A physical examination of the breasts will also be performed.


A mammogram is a type of X-ray that is used to detect abnormalities in the breast. If previous screening mammograms are available, diagnostic mammography can be compared to assess how the breast tissue has altered. The limitation of a mammogram is, it is useful only in patients with age more than 50, lesser the age denser the breast,  lesser the usefulness of mammogram.


An ultrasound is a painless, non-invasive treatment that produces images of your breast using sound waves.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is done in selected patientsof breast lump.

Aspiration with a Fine Needle

A needle can be used to drain fluid from a breast lump. An ultrasound may be used to guide the needle in some circumstances. This gives a rough idea about whether the lump is cancerous or not.

True Cut Biopsy

This is the investigation of choice for a breast lump. This is done by a special large bore needle which takes out bigger chunk of tissue than fnac and gives more accurate diagnosis. Its an opd based procedure.


Before your doctor can come up with a treatment plan for your breast lump, he or she needs to figure out what’s causing it. Treatment isn’t required for all breast lumps.

Antibiotics will almost certainly be prescribed by your doctor if you develop a breast infection. If you have a cyst, the fluid can be drained. Cysts usually disappear after they’ve been drained. Cysts don’t always need to be treated and can go away on their own.

If it’s determined that the lump is breast cancer, treatment options include:

A breast conservation surgery or “mastectomy” refers to the removal of breast tissue.

Chemotherapy is a treatment that employs medications to combat or kill cancer cells.

Radiation is a cancer treatment that employs the use of radioactive rays or materials.

The type of breast cancer you have, the size and location of the tumour, and whether the cancer has progressed beyond your breast will all influence your treatment.

There are a variety of additional causes of breast lumps that do not necessitate therapy. If you have a breast lump as a result of an injury, your doctor may advise you to wait for it to heal. In many circumstances, certain forms of breast lumps, such as fibro adenoma, do not need to be removed or treated at all time if its small. That’s why, if you notice a breast lump, it’s crucial not to jump to conclusions. Your doctor can help you figure out if the lump needs to be tested further and if treatment is necessary.